sabato 17 dicembre 2016

Sport and Fashion: Ivy Fashion Shop

A wonderful Christmas present for him!
It is the the Sport Suit available on the Ivy Fashion Shop. You can choose among different colours and you can also decide to buy the complete suite or only the pant or the hoodie. 

The black and blue version is really very sporty and is perfect for young man and for all those that love to feel fashion also with sport clothings. 

For those that prefer to be more sofisticated, the black and white version is the perfect choice. 
Those that are passionated man, instead, can focus on the black and red version of this wonderful sport suit. 

The cost for the suit il 69 USD but it is also possible to buy the pant and the hoodie separately: 
the trousers costs 25 USD while the hoodie costs 45 USD.

More information about sizes and orders at this link

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